Term Dates

Below are Term Dates for 2024

1st Term

8th January To 8th March 2024

No Holidays

49 Days

2nd Term

16th April To 21st June 2024

Eid-ul Adha          Holidays

48 Days

3rd Term

24th June To 4th October 2024

Summer Holidays

47 Days

4th Term 

7h October To 19th December 2024

No Holidays

47 Days

Key Dates

Teachers Training Day: Friday 5th January 2024 and Monday 2nd September 2024

Ramadan And Easter and Holidays: Monday 11th March 2024 to Friday 12th April 2024. Re-Opening on Tuesday 16th April 2024.

Eid-ul-Adha Holidays: Monday 17th to 19th June 2024.

Summer Holidays: Wednesday 24th July to 2nd September 2024.     Re-opening 3rd September 2024.

Parents Evening: Friday 24th May 2024 and Friday 8th November 2024.

Mid-term exams: Monday 3rd June 2024 – Friday 7th June 2024.

Final exams: Monday 2nd December to Friday 6th December 2024.

The Madrassah is closed on all Bank Holidays

FEES PER CHILD £130.00 PER TERM to be paid 1st day of Term                         


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Asalamualaykum Warahmatullah!

If you have any questions, please feel free to message us on here. We will respond as soon as possible.

JazakAllah Khayran!